Nowadays, it has become a common practise among programmers,
to search google for any problem they face. Recently one of
my colleague asked me, hey how did people used to work, when
there was no google (read WWW and search engines). Since I
was busy with something I didn't thought much about it.
Later, while pondering over the discussion, I remembered, in
the pre internet days, programmers used to rely much on
manuals, even now, many of the veteran programmers who
started coding prior to launch of www, do rely on man pages
a lot.
Also it came to my mind, that earlier when a naive(basic/
stupid) query was asked, the answer used to be RTFM (Read
the F* manual), which has now changed to STFW(Search the F*
web) Times have changed, and so have the acronyms :-)
Luckily or unluckily when I started learning C, and Unix,
around 97, our lab didn't had access to internet, and hence
I had to rely on man pages, and that was fun. So it feels
good to be part of both worlds (rtfm and stfw :-)