Thursday, June 08, 2006

Technology as an enabler.

If given a choice to most software engineers, most of them would choose to work on OS Internals and related area's. Most of the software engineers are often fascinated by kernel development stuff. However, for the end-user, what matters most is how can technology help him to become more productive, and how much value it can add.

It so happened, that I had visited my cousin, and he wanted me to create a web-site for him. Now, I am not that interested in web related stuff, since to me, the coding is not challenging. However, for my cousin, he doesn't cares about kernel programming and stuff, and what he wanted was a web site, for his business. So there I am, playing around with html and stuff. Just to add, I had done a module on E-Commerce, while in APGDST, and that experience helped me, in building a website for my cousin.

That's the reason, why guys working in Enterprise computing are paid more :-)

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